
Jay Weiner used to say that, instead of given figure skaters a score such as 6.2 of 3.4, maybe just comments by the judges, like "try hockey" when a skater flubs up. Whenever a skater landed on his or her wallet, I recall fellow scribes muttering "Down goes Frazier!" (Maybe that was you.)

Thanks for reading.

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Many thanks. Carroll did all the work on this.

Sports such as figure skating, which is choreographed--with no defense--continue to confound me a bit. My friend Jay, who covered a bunch of Olympics and many other things, once said that it would be interesting to put, say, the top seven skaters on the ice at the same time and she how they handled the traffic and chaos. Anyway, what I liked about it, as with virtually everything I got to cover, was crossing paths with some many interesting characters.

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I agree that figure skaters are athletes, as are race car drivers and professional wrestlers, even if the matches are staged. But as good as figure skaters are, I think hockey players are amazing on those two skinny blades, traveling up to 20 miles per hour, banging into each other like bumper cars and trying to control and shoot those little round, hard black discs. They can stop on the proverbial dime, and better than any ABS system I have had in my cars.

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Great stuff in this piece John -- Waitress and Truck Driver, second on ice after the owner, Holy Cross hockey team giving Carroll the business when he blew a move but cheering when he did well. Great quotes from deep in the archives and a sweet, smooth story top to bottom -- knocked out overnight.

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