
Actually, the "dolly" expression was picked up from a Pennsylanian--John Walsh. (A different sort of immigrant.)

I didn't include the episode of being dismissed as a foreigner by you and Greg Gallo in my early days in New York. It was snowing and you two natives were cautioning me to walk carefully. I protested that I knew all about snow from my days in Missouri. At which point I fell flat on my face.

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We're glad you stayed.

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If the November election goes sideways, I may leave.

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Well done John. Of course I was one of the New Yawkers who worked with you at two places and still wonder why women in your country are called Dollies and I still don’t get the Calhoun joke. Something to do with football. Amazing that you have spent more years in the New York area than I have and I was born and raised there.

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Actually, the term "dolly" was taken from an immigrant from Pennsylvania--John Walsh.

There was, in my early days in New York, the occasion of being cast as a foreigner by you and Greg Gallo. It was snowing and the two of you cautioned me to walk carefully on the strange white substance. I protested that I knew all about snow from my days in Missouri. At which point I fell flat on my face.

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