
It was a terrific show.

As for the president then: From your mouth to God's ears. Don't know if I can take the next couple of months of the campaigns. Too anxious.

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Thanks, man. Couldn't have done this if I still was a Newsday employee, I guess. But I see that Newsday has assigned the AP guy and Barbara Barker to the Open these days. Really putting a committment into it.

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Good job as usual. It’s amazing that more things change the more they stay the same. I don’t think women will enjoy total equality until we at least have a female president, whether it is Harris or someone in the future.

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Thank you, sir. I'm rooting for Harris for many reasons, one of those being the demise of Trump, but I don't think having her as President will solve everything (for women or people in general), merely because politics isn't that simple. I do think she can bring about general improvement, such as having a more polite country. What do we do about all the voters who somehow believe Trump and his folks were sent here by God?

Anyway, the Broadway show was good, even as it reminded that imperfection is persistent.

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You are the Clive Barnes of Babylon Village. We're thinking of heading to NYC this winter and hope this show will still be there ... and we'll have a woman president, too.

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Terrific review. And they told us to stay in our lane.

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