
First I have to admit that I didn't watch that much of the Olympics. Short glimpses every evening, but I got tired of having the see Snoop Dogg instead of the Olympics. I did read a lot of stuff--the NY Times did a good work by having their own people do most of the work, instead of the Athletic. I complained constatnly to Donna that having to watch the Games through the eyes of NBC was so inferior to being there.

By the way, when I covered the Goodwill Games when it was in N.Y. and Long Island in 1998, I covered the triathlon: THEY SWAM IN THE HUDSON (down at the tip of Lower Manhattan). Nobody died. Or, if they did, I missed the story.

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I admire your ability to watch the Olympics after covering so many of them, which is far more entertaining. I have to admit that even though I covered far fewer Olympics, I could bring myself only to watch the last four minutes of the men's Gold medal basketball game and Seth Curry making ridiculous shots. I think you might have awarded a Medal of Honor to anyone who went swimming in the polluted River Seine. Our American equivalents are the East River and Hudson River, which explains how Sully Sullengerger was able to land a commercial jet safely without immediately sinking.

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Have to admit I didn't watch much. Just short glimpses at night but got tired of being confronted with Snoop Dogg. Mostly, I read about the Games. The NYTimes did a good job by using mostly their own people instead of depending much on The Athletic. It's just not the same on TV but I couldn't help checking it out.

By the way, when I covered the 1998 Goodwill Games (in N.Y. and Long Island), I covered the triathlon. THEY SWAM IN THE HUDSON! Nobody died, or if they did, I missed the story.

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The curmudgeonly knucklehead who awarded these medals.

I'd actually give him a platinum for watching so much of that stuff.

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To tell the truth, I didn't watch as much as it may appear. And, as things went along, I further reduced time on the Games because of too much Snoop Dogg.

Read lots of stuff, though. The one thing I decided to watch was the Closing Ceremonies and, when it was done, my thought was that was 2 1/2 hours of my life that I'll never get back.

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